Us humans are a fascinating bunch. For most, change doesn’t come easily and often we go to greater lengths to avert a loss than we would…
It’s no surprise that many traditional yoga poses take their cues (and names) from animals. We’ve all seen how animals, dogs and cats…
The New Year (and January’s New Moon) provide an ideal window to sit in stillness and reflect in order to move forward. Rituals…
Pause for a moment and notice your breath. At first it seems like the air is flowing out of both nostrils simultaneously, but after some…
This is the time of year my sinuses tend to explode. A sure sign for me that it’s time to cleanse. This simple, delicious and nutritious…
It was many years ago that the villagers of Downstream recall spotting the first body in the river. Some old timers remember how spartan…
Here’s a ‘super herb’ tea recipe that packs a punch for colds, viruses and bacterial infections. Herbalists recommend it for its
According to Ayurveda we’re now well into the ‘Kapha season’ of winter (due to its qualities being characterised by Kapha), where we are…
I find it fascinating that something as simple as the breath has the power to heal, and by mastering the breath we can master our own…